A male blackback gorilla stares at us pensively while scanning the forest around him.

An incredible sighting of a male black rhino. He stopped to take a look at us before continuing following a mother and calf.

Sunrise over the mystical Kibale forest.

A playful group photo with guests, under a bejewelled African night sky.

The silhouette of a male leopard at sunset in the Grumeti region of the Serengeti.

A young hyena gives the vast spaces of the Savannah some perspective.

A special moment between a fantastic couple.

A pack of African wild dogs cheekily play with some elephant dung in the morning light.

A hippo opens his mouth in a display of dominance.

There’s just something special about a dominant male leopard.

A lioness stares at the hyenas that stole her kill whilst keeping her cubs safe in the long grass behind her.

A wildebeest does the special afternoon light justice.

Flying over Queen Elizabeth National Park with all the beautiful lakes and waterways.

A young elephant playfully charges our vehicle.

A young leopardess poses beautifully atop a large tree in the Okavango Delta.

A male lion peers out of the grass, looking hopefully for the female he was mating with.

A young gorilla stares at us while playing and chewing on a vine.

An elephant cow feeds in the cool of the morning, as the sun rises over the bush.

We take a moment to enjoy the stars with a spot of stargazing.

Fancy a sunset drink, whilst playing a game of Boule?

A beautiful sunset silhouette, featuring a zebra and some impala.

Blue flycatchers about to face off.

A lioness wakes for a moment to look around before continuing her nap.

A hot air balloon rises over the Serengeti with our guests aboard.

A young male leopard hunts impala under the cover of darkness.